Batimix QS-AC Series

Grinding aids, set-accelerators, and strength enhancers


BATIMIX QS-AC Series products are aqueous solutions of specialty cement additives, strength enhancers, and set-accelerating chemicals.

They are used in the manufacture of Portland and other hydraulic types of cement. They provide all the benefits and advantages of traditional grinding aids, such as increased cement fineness and grinding efficiency from the reduced agglomeration of newly fractured cement particles.

They accelerate setting times and improve cement hydration, increasing the compressive strength of cement at all ages. They improve the performance of cement produced in open and closed circuit cement mills.

Main Purpose

BATIMIX QS-AC Series products are particularly recommended for the grinding of Portland, blended, masonry, and mortar cement types. They are suitable for both gray and white types of cement.


BATIMIX QS-AC Series products are easy and safe to handle. They contribute to achieving the following:

  • Increased mill output at the same cement fineness
  • Reduced grinding and energy costs
  • Reduced pack set of cement and increased bulk density, leading to easier storage and transport
  • Reduced agglomeration and inter-particle attraction for easier flow characteristics
  • Enhanced grain size distribution for optimized initial and final strengths of cement
  • Increased rate of cement hydration together with higher strengths at all ages
  • Reduced clinker factor for optimized cost and CO₂ emissions per tone of cement
  • Accelerate cement setting times, leading to higher early strength

Related Products

This series includes the following products:

  • BATIMIX QS-AC 2400
  • BATIMIX QS-AC 2401

A variety of products from within this series are available to meet the specific requirements of customers. Products highlighted in bold are featured in the product brochure for this category.



Available Packages

  • Bulk
  • 1 t IBC

Health and Safety

BATIMIX QS-AC Series products may be irritant to the skin and eyes. If accidentally spilled onto the skin, wash immediately with soap and water. If accidentally splashed into the eyes, flush with plenty of water and consult a physician. For additional information, kindly refer to the corresponding MSDS.